08 Juli 2009

The Indonesian Election PILPRES 2009

Executive Director of Circle Surveys Denny JA mention Indonesia, SBY-Boediono victory because, first, the position of SBY already very strong before the campaign began.

Second, the campaign is successful one month down and said Jusuf Kalla increase, but not significant for the two rounds. Third, personality and preferred Yudhoyono is very difficult digoyahkan.

Fourth, the public is generally satisfied with living conditions in various sectors so that the incumbent. Fifth, the public is generally satisfied with Yudhoyono's performance as president. Sixth, the majority of the public really want a lap time.

While additional voice for a very large pair Mega-Pro, according to Denny, because the role of Prabowo. In addition, PDI-P constituents also solid. "If Prabowo forward as a presidential candidate, the result can be another. Because the charm Prabowo more fresh, more military power so that bob up and down as Prabowo Capres greater, "said Denny, Wednesday (8 / 7).

Meanwhile, researchers Indonesia Institute of Science, Lili Romli, rate, Yudhoyono is the result of the benefits of fusion between the figures and pencitraan.

This senada stated the Executive Director of Cirus Surveyors Group A Andrinof Chaniago. According to him, in choosing, the portion of the personality of the people placing greater potential ability rather than a matter of candidates. With 80 percent of voters educated to lower secondary, the more determined the taste factor. "Candidates do not match the taste of the community, for example, views the matter of modesty," he said.

According to Lili, with the support of a major political force and in parliament is significant, the desire to establish strong and effective governance can be realized. However, all of that depends on the leadership and performance kabinetnya Yudhoyono. Indonesian democracy, he added, have a good future if the Golkar Party and PDI-P plays the role of opposition as a healthy mechanism for enforcing checks and balances


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